Tips to stay organized

WELCOME WARRIORS! Today we will talk about some tips and tricks to stay organized after you declutter your home using the tidying method. Check out the Making your Space A Home article for reference.

House Keeping

  1. Create daily weekly and monthly schedules for cleaning regularly 

    1. Sort out when you clean each thing to not feel overwhelmed doing it all at once. Make it into a game and a fun experience.

  2. Label stored food and perishables 

  3. Create an inventory of what you have and don’t overstock. 

  4. Put things away immediately and keep the hot spots in the house clean

  5. Recycle and donate your old things before buying something new. 

  6. Hire a housekeeper if you need them. I need them.

Declutter Electronics

  1. get a task management app on your phone to keep track of things to do such as drink water, run errands, or things on your to do list.

  2. Clear the apps that you don’t use.

  3. Scan and back up your photos. Delete the ones that don’t bring you joy.

  4. Create a list of passwords and keep them in a safe place using an app like LastPass

  5. Unsubscribe from unread newsletters, emails, and magazines.

Organizing social life

  1. Get a bucket list of things to do that you enjoy and are fun so that you can come back to it when you have a day to yourself and are looking for something fun and invigorating to do. 

  2. Put important dates and notes into your calendar and day planner and also days to prep for it if needed. 

  3. Write down everything 

  4. Have a list of contact information and people on hand you call for fun, loving support. 

  5. Make use of the word NO. Do what feels aligned for you. 

Day to Day

  1. Journal

    1. Write down the top three tasks of the day and what you need in order to get it done on time. 

  2. Having a running to do list in ONE space 

  3. Do one thing at a time and do it now. 

  4. Simplify your tasks as much as possible 

  5. Delegate what you can. 

  6. Unapologetically take control of your time and priorities.


  1. Use a calendar, white board, and paper to track your tasks, events, and what needs to be done.

  2. Sort your papers and important files at the source. Sort when you get it so you don’t have to think about it later. 

  3. Write down what is and isn’t in your control. As you do, being to take action on what’s in your control and learn to let the rest go. You can’t do anything bout it but move forward with what you got.

  4. Color coding schedules, notebooks, and events in your calendar to the same color

  5. Don’t rely on a single point of failure. Make back ups of everything. Have a back up plan and objects in place when you need it to stay on track with your goals.

  6. Use small pieces of paper or note cards to make your to do lists and toss them when finished. 

  7. Get one binder to track what you want to keep track of in life

    1. Workouts, meals, daily and weekly tasks


Making your Space a Home